Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day!

It's May!  Almost my Marine's birthday.  Almost one of my daughter's birthday.  Almost Mother's Day.  Almost time for my semester exams.  Almost time for any graduations in the family.  Almost time so many things that I just need to breathe!  Right now I need to find where I put my book on Plato.  I need to get two papers done for my classes and I have nothing done.  They are both due in five days.  My goal is to have one done by early Sunday. Then, I'll do the second one.  Kind of makes me rethink my registering for three classes for the Fall semester.  Some days I think I should just forget school altogether.  My life would be a little bit easier.  I'm so close to finishing.  I want that degree.  Just a few more years.  Unless I push myself and take more courses per semester.  I can do it.  I did it before.  It's just so much stress.  ok, I need to get my laundry ready.  The dryer is rebelling, so now I need to go dry clothes some place else. ugh.  I'm going to think positive.  I can study or read while I'm there, right?  Right.  Negativity gets you nowhere.  :)

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