Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Plant-based Diet

I finally watched Forks over Knives.  My 24 year old daughter had been telling me that I should watch this documentary on Netflix and I finally did!  Now I can't eat the way I used to, and I think this is a good thing! The documentary talked a lot about how animal protein is actually bad for you.  The doctors in the documentary have done studies in which they have come to the conclusion that consuming too much animal protein can lead to so many diseases.  I've been on a diet, but it has just been by limiting my proteins and fats, and stopping all the junk foods.  Now my diet is including more fruits and vegetables because those doctors in the Forks over Knives have discovered that a Plant-based diet can actually reverse many diseases, including cancer.  A Plant-based diet can make a person feel better and it's so much better for our bodies.  So far, they are right on feeling better because I do!  I don't want to get sick and I want to lose weight, so I'm going to try my best to eat as close as possible to a Plant-based diet.  I'm going to do this gradually.  I don't know if I could ever give up pizza and burgers, but maybe if I make most of my diet out of fruits, vegetable and grains.  Yeah, grains are part of the diet!  So, see, it can't all be that hard to do. ;)

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