Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I'm sooo glad my day is over!!  I just turned in my humanities paper and yesterday, I turned in my poetry paper.  Two papers in two days, and I got them turned in on time!!  This requires some serious celebrating.  Unfortunately, I am a mom and this just "ain't gonna happen!" What will actually happen is I will go catch up on everything that did not get done while I was working on my papers.  Hello, dishes; hello, laundry; hello house. On a good note, though-- I get to go running in the morning. I denied myself any running until after I got done with the papers.  I just gave up two days, so it's not the end of the world.  Getting back on the road will just be all the more fulfilling-- and freeeeeee.  Yup, I'm still high from all this stress relief.  I am just so glad I got the papers done and on time.  Plus, I think they turned out pretty darn good.  Oh, just so you know, I am taking classes with UHV.  I'm a mom and a college student.  And I run.  And I read!  I'm about done with that second book I started during Spring Break!

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